Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hoʻoponopono prayer - a test of your practice

During the course of my work with animals in recent years and expanding to plants, and on the basis of all the other things I had learned in my life, I had come to a place where it seemed to not make sense to have to kill anything to sustain my body. Around that time, I came across the description of sun-gazing - and BOOM - I started that week...and very quickly realized that I would never be able to complete this if certain emotional and mental states persisted, never mind how "right" I felt. This is when I remembered the modern Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) prayer, its origin being an ancient Hawaiian practice.

When do some google-ing- you will eventually  find the story about the psychiatrist and the modern form of this practice/prayer and what happened to the psych ward full of crazy people. When you read the story - and I take it as true - you will be floored.
 I had dabbled in using the prayer way back sometime, but the level of urgency and necessity, the relentless burning to BE, to walk this earth in a way to not cause any unnecessary harm to any sentient creature - my love for animals and plants - had me face it for real.
The thing about this prayer is: YOU are ultimately responsible - not just for your personal individual self actions, but all of it. 
The adaptation of the practice is this prayer,  4 little phrases - to be said in any order - with the person or group of people in mind you need to make things right with - within your-self.

I love you.
I am sorry.
(Please ) Forgive me.
Thank you.

Seeing all others as part of my own Self ... is what enabled me to do it with someone whose actions had caused me great pain. It does not make the actions right ...but that is, frankly, irrelevant in this process. It is about  YOUR inner state - and the knowing, that unless that changes - nothing in the outer will change. I should say that it took a mere days for the effect to manifest. It is still a process, yes, but a big obstacle has been left behind. I don't think it will turn me into a very patient person any time soon ...but I am liking this effect of the prayer.

I have since then, on occaision, put groups of people there who do those abominable things to animals, plants and the environment that is killing our very mother -  earth - who, like the sun, is also a Being.

I do work with non-physical guides too, but this prayer - and to be able to say it for real - feeling in your heart -  is a test of your spiritual practice.

An interesting observation is: when I first stated it, I kept wanting to say: I forgive you ...but no -  is goes: Forgive me ....when you feel like YOU have been wronged. I know it makes no sense ....and you won't ever know that it does - unless you try. ...and when you discover why - that is another step on your path.

Much Love


"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you."

Love thy neighbor - the real story

That seems like too big a title, no? It is a real short story - more like a note.

Something I remember from going to church growing up is this command: Liebe deinen Naechsten wie dich selbst.  - Love thy neighbor like (as) yourself.

More recently I have come to realize, regardless of the original writing, it is like this: Lieb deinen Naechsten als dein SELBST. Love your neighbor as thy SELF.

Can you tell the difference? There is SELF, Being, which is you ....each and every facet of it ....and to love thy neighbor is to love that Self, your Self - sacred oneness.

It is a matter of what self you are identified with.

A side note - Why did I choose a "virtual" image here and not an image of the "real" world?  Some say it is all maya - including the REAL world.  Some are not yet aware of parallel worlds - all real in their own way :)
In any case, they are part of thy Self. There is a reality in those worlds that is worth exploring - as your SELF. Of course, there are many many worlds as facets of unity and we can't possibly explore all of them in 1 single lifetime....just suspend judgement.

In case you don't know about my work with chickens, sustainable living and raising awareness there and you are on facebook, here is the link Chicks and Weeds on facebook. Comments and dialogue are very welcome.
Raising awareness - from wherever you are at.

Love and Blessings to you always