Ok, so these days I am very busy in the garden - it is planting season after all - and - I got 26 baby chickens who will soon need to get into an outdoor run which needs to be completed. It is soo much fun - and soo much work :)
The working with videos: on the shelf, working with dogs - on the slow burner, but really, what I wanted to muse about is this prosperity path thing.
The law of contagion - once in contact with it - always in contact with it.
Law of attraction.
The more closely a model represents the 'real thing - the more connected it is to the real thing - but even more so - it becomes the thing itself. What was the word again - coupled - coupling factor. Ok - so in the prosperity path - you walk through a simulator - acting out something which - on some level - becomes so, becomes true, real, accomplished.
It is not like the mental positive affirmation, it is the acted out affirmation.
You walk through the simulation and get the achievements - such as true love - and here is the zinger;
on some level, more than anything you will ever read - YOU HAVE ACTUALLY ACHIEVED IT.
The implications of this kind of work/play/affirmation/acting out may actually be far more far reaching that I can presently imagine. Something about it feels right. I am looking forward to going through the simulations - done in the GODD gaming engine.
Spooky action at a distance - SAAAD effect - as above -so below - as below - so above.
So much to do. So now I want to decide on the 10 things I most want to find/achieve/accomplish in this way.
Slipstreaming into a universe where humans live in harmony with the natural world while prosperous where it counts and technologically advanced - is one of them - I hope there will be such an orb.
But this makes me wonder about something else; if there are infinite universes and you can not change any of them - only change worlds - then where or how does helping others come in - or the vow to relieve suffering - this is an endless task, isn't it - and for that matter - futile - and yet - the only thing that makes any sense....hm
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