This evening I was "transferring" band practice music from tape to digital and strumming along on my 40 year old guitar with a few simple and not always matching chords. At some point though the chords and strumming did something else and the only words that came to mind were: women wake up, women wake up - everywhere, in all cultures, all societies. Pretty amazing few minutes. It was like calling all women everywhere to wake up and do what needs to be done from there. And "I" per se wasn't the one calling. The sense, space and feeling was big, non separate.
The doing what needs to be done does not come from the realization of consciousness the way it often is understood - it comes from waking up the heart - from heart awakening - as if one of the seats of consciousness is located in the heart itself.
It's amazing.
Maybe 2012 is going to be a very big year after all - it's possible.
Talking about possible, this reminds me of something else I wanted to write down.
El futuro lleva nombre de mujer