Thursday, July 22, 2010

Encounter - red-orange dragonfly - alien in the garden

A story I have to tell - and show - it was beautiful - and a bit amazing

This morning I was working in the garden - my little garden patch.   An orangy-red dragon fly had been around for a couple of days, and I remember thinking: I never saw an orange-red dragon fly before. So - it was there again this morning and picked this bamboo pole as a resting point. I don't know much about typical behavior for dragon flies. Maybe it was sun-bathing? Anyway, it flew away a few times, only to quickly return to that spot. I wished then I had my camera there. After a while, I decided to take a closer look and to say "High"...and we got acquainted...very cool.  It seemed to be making some kind of nodding head movement. As I said, whatever it is that dragonflies do.... I worked some more and after about another hour,  finally I told it: Ok if you want your picture taken, stay there and I'll be back with my camera. So I went up to the house and was still there. It allowed me to get pretty close - till I could see it's face...I don't know what you can see - but I see a smiling face. It was amazing. Nvm the things you can read into the face of an insect - but this guy seemed intelligent, funny, was just great....I hope the pictures can convey some of it - as my words can't. I thought it was worth sharing.

Any idea what his name might be - or where he's from? :)

As far as I can tell, he is one of those:
Order: Odonata
Suborder: Anisoptera
Order Description: Dragonflies
Family: Libellulidae
Family Description: Skimmer


  1. i get that a lot. supposedly "lower level" creatures (insects, birds) making what I can only call "contact" for some unfathomable reason. I often speculate...

  2. With spectacular glory he wanted to be seen, and be seen by you. You were the one person in this passing form of Mr. Libellulidae Skimmer (of the Skimmer family) - you were the one that would show his glory to the world. ... and beautiful you are Mr. Skimmer.

  3. Dragon y mosca
    rojo y naranja
    azul y verde
    gris piedra

