Of course there is the inborn, instinctual survive and reproduce kind of intelligence any life form seems to possess. What constitutes life is still in hot debate, especially now that computers are being developed who are more and more human like. But that is another topic.
Here is the observation I made a few weeks ago in the fish tank I take care of: One of the fish had a lesion on one of his scales, or better, it seems the scale had come off and an infection was trying to set in. I upped the frequency of the water changes...it got better, then worse. It is a huge tank with a bio-filter, to treating with an antibiotic is not really easy. However, like I had done before, I made fish food disks soaked in antibiotics. So I timed the throwing of it with the fish position and movement, and YEAH ...he ate it ....
and then SPAT IT OUT ....
I was like ...WHAT? Did he just do that?
For some reason, call it human arrogance or ignorance ...it just never occurred to be they would taste the difference and then decide to, or rather - reflexively - spit out food.
My estimation of fish and reptile intelligence jumped ...and it - as a resulting side effect - caused me even more uneasiness bordering on pain now than before to see images of fishing - for human fun and relaxation especially. What about the fish? Your idea of relaxation is hurting fish?
So today I came across this article and very short video on fish inter-species cooperation. It just confirms something about fish - and since I just recalled it, there is a video of Valerie Taylor and the Moray eel she used to visit. I'll look for it too (embedded below) - mind-blowing. BTW, don't just try that yourself with those eels - they can and will bite you.
.... and while I am at it, here is a short story of someone who had an encounter with a fly :)
"So I had this annoying big fly bothering me while I was working on the computer yesterday afternoon. One of those that never land, just loud buzzing. I wasn't successful in hitting it. So I said to the fly, if you would just land and let me catch you I will not kill you but set you free. No kidding, it landed and let me pick it up and return it outdoors. Love when that happens." - Karen R.
The quantum world works in as yet mysterious ways. It really is all alive and conscious and don't for a moment think it does not include plants, rocks, single cells or macro-dimensional celestial bodies. Is there a hierarchy of some kind, sure, those fish sure can't make a video or write a blog, and they most likely won't be doing any "Work on Self" ...on the other hand ...you could not survive at all where they live either - only humans are able to build things in which they could. And in Buddhism, animal births are usually considered lower births ...which is not to say that higher beings cannot be born as an animal ...if that would serve the transformation of certain souls/beings.
It is all - LIFE - the incarnation and expression of the great Being
The shiva and shakti.
Spooky action at a distance and the law of attraction begin to make sense in the quantum world.
Can transformation happen through more and more intimate exploration of and attention on the natural world? ...You bet. Here is a link if you have not read read about a rooster, "Blacky" and a point he drove home for me in a way like never before.
Anyway, here is the article about the fish inter-species cooperation - that page will take you off this website
Fish as good as chimpanzees at choosing the best partner for a task
Here is Valery Taylor's story with the eel
Sometimes I get a hint of this: Life exists and does what it does for the Absolute to FEEL - or - Life/creation is the vehicle of big heart - and then there is consciousness and big mind.In the end, what is it that matters while we are here? incarnate on earth?
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