Saturday, June 24, 2017

Do you trust "IT"

when down by the coops, i kept wondering and thinking about a facebook interaction.

Do you trust God"s guidance? by Isabelle Tierney
In order to surrender to God, it helps to trust that this will created the highest outcome in our life.
Do you trust Spirit's guidance for you?
If yes, please share why.
If no, please share why.

I used to say: do you trust in Being....but my reply was:
i don't call it god, but i trust it
What do you call it
don't actually i recently got 'the call" or another one...and it just comes, i listen and do what is needed/asked for something like that....
I like that answer. As I create content for my course on "how to listen to "?", I am filled with curiosity on how to use words to convey the unspeakable.
i was just wondering about the naming thing...and...ii am unable to name it...whatever name i came up with, was limiting "it"
divine guidance? or maybe just guidance...but...not from a person or how to convey the other kind ...?
You just journeyed into my mind and heart ! How to convey the unconveyable.   

when we say -  do you trust the great spirit, the spirit that moves through all things, God, Allah, Being, the often comes with some cultural interpretation and limitation, too  much for some. any language will be limiting, and I like spirit/universe, but then what i came up with was this:

i trust in what IS ...the big ISNESS of all that is...

it moves, it knows and when there is, in humans, momentary or longer...non resistance to movement (and it is not meant as physical movement) - non-resistance to IT's presence, when there is openness, willingness, then IT moves really just are a being moved, as in taking appropriate right action, only at that moment there is no you. it is amazing how effortless it is, how there are no egoic considerations, how peaceful, how things just fall into place, there is energy and joy...but none of those terms feel as they used to.

even if that which '"i" ended up doing may later be looked at by myself as ...oh, that is so little, not much, too ineffective blah blah blah, when it moves through is not so much guidance of a you, it is being you. and it knows all and flows in the way it needs to be flowed through you - and we like to think of it as for the benefit of it/all.

it is beautiful

it moves through all things and most creatures. it is the "conscious" creatures where potentially that flow gets twarted and stuck. this is where the free will also comes in, (though some schools say there really is no such thing as free will). the beauty of it is that those creatures appear to be able to  work to open themselves, allow the flow in a conscious willingness,  to give up  the little me but allow "IT" to flow and express and move as you. maybe "IT" is just having fun going through all the various awakenings to find itself again, to experience those times when the ego releases and there is freedom - home while incarnate - something like that.

and maybe, it is simply another level,  part of the human potential, this other flow and ease level. after all, the functions of most the DNA are not understood.


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