There is a thing called skillful means. I think it is an important skill. Those well studied and experienced and in addition have a well developed social nervous system may have a way to work with certain situations in some skillful way. Don't underestimate the latter - the well developed social nervous system. Some folk' s brains just are not like that. It is painful to watch it in others or to experience it in your own body and mind...the non-skillful ways.
What happens to those who basically are speechless and without skillful words...and even the words that were there earlier - did not matter?
How to proceed when someone else's work -actually, it's quite beautiful and efficient work-, whether through love, personal conviction, sheer obligation, with consent of others in the company or just giving in to those who cried the loudest - ends up undermining, or at least rendering useless and proving a waste of time what you considered your work of love? Inexplicably there was such energy there for it..until that moment you find out that no matter what you write now - it won't matter? You just happen to spend a good portion of your life and resources into a project - but you just work there and matters have already been handled.
How to carry on in the conviction that all is mutable and open, possibilities endless, working with inspiration and intuition - when things are already written in electronic stone? Where to take the energy from to continue working on the project? Or is this the Universe telling you - not that direction?
Sometimes I wonder if any of us here in Western culture ever have any reason to complain about anything - no, I don't think so. You have too much, it's too good, too many options, and the planet as it is needs too much to continue to provide us with an embodiment homestead. Having no reason to complain does not mean there is no pain - that is part of embodiment, part of being on the planet. This does not mean violence does not happen - however disguised it may have been...and well meaning ignorance and it's consequences can be most difficult things to endure.
Violence has various forms - the insidious, couched disguised violence is not one you see easily. It's not the one screaming in your face, not the one going loud and wild. It is way deeper....and it gets you deeper....but you can't prove it, especially in the midst of smart words and social skills you may not have.
It gets difficult. You get over it when you put things into perspective, you count your Blessings. You give thanks for all the good in your life, all the possibilities and wonders. Then you feel the next wave of pain, without obstructing it, and even there, grateful to be a feeling body for G-D, offering up this too on the altar of embodiment of love - expanding ever so momentarily, to touch the freedom and the knowing ..the sensing that there is no difference - this beingness of one and only. This is what THIS feels like.
And then you do something else. The energy just is no longer there for what you were doing. And who knows what is better and what anything is ultimately good for? Pretty much you can't see that far ahead. A very long time ago I came across a poem by Stephen K. Hayes: "Do not speak to me of that which could have been. All that was - is all that could have been. Let us level our gaze and move purposefully into today".
Love does not depend on having respect. Respect will effect trust. Trust had to be earned. Without a certain trust, some things are impossible to achieve between human beings. Ask yourself: is this the company you wish to keep? That world does go on without you just fine.
You can still offer what you do have to offer with openness and love. It just might look differently than what you thought it would look like. Ask yourself: who am I giving to - what is it I am giving and am I giving freely?
Being open means you feel stuff....
Years ago, a few months after I started a new life and work - something came across my desk. I do not remember now where I got it from, it went something like this:
"Just because it's futile, does not mean you should not be enthusiastic."
:) - well, I know some people who might benefit from putting it on their desk...but then again - who knows.
Life is such a mystery.
I appreciate being allowed into this intricate world of challenge and process. Going through "something" is the transit of that process. Watching myself in the midst of the process is a gift. "Being open means you feels stuff" - nice.