"So I just heard this question: If all phenomena is illusion, what is healing?"
Here are a few responses coming to mind:
Your point being?
Why do you wonder?
Then what's the question?
Is that a challenge of some kind?
What makes you think there is a separation?
How does manifest nothingness look like?
How does reality look like as bodies?
Do nothing, and wither away - it's all illusion.
Yes, the concept applies to certain aspects of being here, physically and energetically.
No one needs to heal of anything, some just want to enable themselves to do certain tasks or experience certain states and something we call healing is the next step for them.
While you play the game, why not play it well, why not explore it whichever you feel drawn too?
So it is illusion - the point being?
Or: Healing is where nothingness and everythingness merges, illusion and reality become one and paradoxes cease to bother you.
The ultimate holing.
Healing = holing = re-membering.
You are in a hell diablo hardcore game - it's all illusion, it's all 1 pixel deep. You are there for a task with a group - to be accomplished in the pixel world - and amongst the beings behind the players, the essential selves. You - your character is close to dying - but healing is too much of an illusion it suddenly seems - so why bother drinking a heal pot? You hesitate, you die. Hm...this is hardcore - you're gone. The group cannot complete the task without you.
Maybe that is the lessons for the group: now what? Maybe it's: healing would not have been so bad, if it was an option: just so the work, the next task, could be finished - without have to now redefining the task as: how to we deal with him being dead now - supposing, assuming, believing that there was a real thing to be done.
What is your REAL question?
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