Friday, June 25, 2010

Spiritual business - a speculation without a speculum -

This is a speculation with a caveat: I got no
(that was a bit of a joke, in case you're Canadian or German)

I have been following the postings of integraleric. He's on facebook, youtube and blogger and has a website or 2 and a few webpages. Not having a straight up link here is intentional.

He's got a plan - and he's good, and I love his stuff. The focus is on neuroscience and consciousness and he gives you lots of references. Images are great, website totally cool, the info rocks...I love it. He's in the "Integral" camp, working with the best and I suppose they  (think they) figured out what works - as there is a definite style and methodology they seem to  follow - and from all I can tell - it works.

I am grateful for the info, images, words and so on, and whether intended or not as such, it serves a purpose - one of education and making accessible something  for anyone who is interested - but especially those scientifically trained folks. And it's been very methodical. Recently, something else got added - a new and newly developed product  ....  yes, 

 - he is also selling something. For real cash.

It's genial, brilliant - it seems there is a definite target audience - those trained scientifically and possible most resistant to the "metaphysical humbug" hype, possibly lacking certain spiritual experiences personally experienced. Here however they can see: it is being proven more on more - all those stories and miracles - have a scientific correlate. - which opens a door and a huge market of reasonably affluent and possibly influential   folks for the kind of product Eric is selling.

Brilliant and beautifully executed.

Serving, educating, doing what he loves and possibly making a great living from it....(remember, I don't have a speculum :) - that's great.

For all I know and wish,  may all good things flow to you - keep doing the work....I for my part am grateful. Hopefully riches and power won't corrupt. From where I'm at, from a certain point on, all one can lawfully be -  is a conduit...

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