A little while ago a read a well written blog about blogging - as in: who are you writing to, who reads this, the non responses and their implications. They came up with an interesting exercise, very interesting in fact, could be fun and it made sense to undertake. (link below)
A few days ago - I read a promo type e-mail (which I had signed up for) from the "Feminine Power" gals, I think it was Katherine Woodward Thomas. In this promo e-mail was a phrase something like "...and this morning while I was in the shower...", ...and I go eh-what? I am very visual when I read, and did I really need to see that?
A day later I noticed something I attribute as a result of these personal life details in their e-mail: I felt more connected to them as well as this much bigger body that is forming with a lot of other women... I can't even describe the level of it. It made intuitive sense. And it felt right, though unfamiliar. It reminds me on a nonverbal level of "The Feminine", the OTHER side of my self, with often all to masculine tendencies. There's a matrix of "Feminine" - intangible but real.
So, in part, this blog here is - on more than 1 level - a way of giving, sharing and connecting - that is expressive of the what is called "The Feminine" nature of things - and - it just comes, is and moves and does not (have to) make sense. :)
It's great - and I can only hope that whoever reads this, will get something good out of it.
I had to sign up for this free intro tele seminar - so now I get their e-mails - and I did because they as well as the available free recordings do and give something that is inspiring for me, here, now, today, in my life, with other women...and I am grateful.
To know more specifics about what they do and intend, you'd have to read their story and premise and experience etc. and what they are trying to do as well as sell - for women only as far as the course goes, and nvm that this life detail in the e-mail could have been employed as a technique to sell their seminar, if it is, it worked, however, it feels like they are sincere, link below.
Feminine Power
Typing to everyone and no one at all
Women's Wellness Project
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Embrace and Movement
Between Polarities:
The embrace of how things are
Movement towards how we can become.
The embrace of how things are
Movement towards how we can become.
If all phenomena is illusion, what is healing?
"So I just heard this question: If all phenomena is illusion, what is healing?"
Here are a few responses coming to mind:
Your point being?
Why do you wonder?
Then what's the question?
Is that a challenge of some kind?
What makes you think there is a separation?
How does manifest nothingness look like?
How does reality look like as bodies?
Do nothing, and wither away - it's all illusion.
Yes, the concept applies to certain aspects of being here, physically and energetically.
No one needs to heal of anything, some just want to enable themselves to do certain tasks or experience certain states and something we call healing is the next step for them.
While you play the game, why not play it well, why not explore it whichever you feel drawn too?
So it is illusion - the point being?
Or: Healing is where nothingness and everythingness merges, illusion and reality become one and paradoxes cease to bother you.
The ultimate holing.
Healing = holing = re-membering.
You are in a hell diablo hardcore game - it's all illusion, it's all 1 pixel deep. You are there for a task with a group - to be accomplished in the pixel world - and amongst the beings behind the players, the essential selves. You - your character is close to dying - but healing is too much of an illusion it suddenly seems - so why bother drinking a heal pot? You hesitate, you die. Hm...this is hardcore - you're gone. The group cannot complete the task without you.
Maybe that is the lessons for the group: now what? Maybe it's: healing would not have been so bad, if it was an option: just so the work, the next task, could be finished - without have to now redefining the task as: how to we deal with him being dead now - supposing, assuming, believing that there was a real thing to be done.
What is your REAL question?
Here are a few responses coming to mind:
Your point being?
Why do you wonder?
Then what's the question?
Is that a challenge of some kind?
What makes you think there is a separation?
How does manifest nothingness look like?
How does reality look like as bodies?
Do nothing, and wither away - it's all illusion.
Yes, the concept applies to certain aspects of being here, physically and energetically.
No one needs to heal of anything, some just want to enable themselves to do certain tasks or experience certain states and something we call healing is the next step for them.
While you play the game, why not play it well, why not explore it whichever you feel drawn too?
So it is illusion - the point being?
Or: Healing is where nothingness and everythingness merges, illusion and reality become one and paradoxes cease to bother you.
The ultimate holing.
Healing = holing = re-membering.
You are in a hell diablo hardcore game - it's all illusion, it's all 1 pixel deep. You are there for a task with a group - to be accomplished in the pixel world - and amongst the beings behind the players, the essential selves. You - your character is close to dying - but healing is too much of an illusion it suddenly seems - so why bother drinking a heal pot? You hesitate, you die. Hm...this is hardcore - you're gone. The group cannot complete the task without you.
Maybe that is the lessons for the group: now what? Maybe it's: healing would not have been so bad, if it was an option: just so the work, the next task, could be finished - without have to now redefining the task as: how to we deal with him being dead now - supposing, assuming, believing that there was a real thing to be done.
What is your REAL question?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Spiritual business - a speculation without a speculum -
This is a speculation with a caveat: I got no speculum...so..
(that was a bit of a joke, in case you're Canadian or German)
I have been following the postings of integraleric. He's on facebook, youtube and blogger and has a website or 2 and a few webpages. Not having a straight up link here is intentional.
He's got a plan - and he's good, and I love his stuff. The focus is on neuroscience and consciousness and he gives you lots of references. Images are great, website totally cool, the info rocks...I love it. He's in the "Integral" camp, working with the best and I suppose they (think they) figured out what works - as there is a definite style and methodology they seem to follow - and from all I can tell - it works.
I am grateful for the info, images, words and so on, and whether intended or not as such, it serves a purpose - one of education and making accessible something for anyone who is interested - but especially those scientifically trained folks. And it's been very methodical. Recently, something else got added - a new and newly developed product .... yes,
- he is also selling something. For real cash.
It's genial, brilliant - it seems there is a definite target audience - those trained scientifically and possible most resistant to the "metaphysical humbug" hype, possibly lacking certain spiritual experiences personally experienced. Here however they can see: it is being proven more on more - all those stories and miracles - have a scientific correlate. - which opens a door and a huge market of reasonably affluent and possibly influential folks for the kind of product Eric is selling.
Brilliant and beautifully executed.
Serving, educating, doing what he loves and possibly making a great living from it....(remember, I don't have a speculum :) - that's great.
For all I know and wish, may all good things flow to you - keep doing the work....I for my part am grateful. Hopefully riches and power won't corrupt. From where I'm at, from a certain point on, all one can lawfully be - is a conduit...
Why I love grasses
Difficult as my little garden project may be in terms creating a healthy self sustaining area with a variety of plants that include flowers for color and pure beauty, plants for food and herbs for healing - I love grasses. I simply am incapable of pulling them all out, even as they need to be contained to give space to other beings. They are soooooooo beautiful....each one of them. It's the way they move and grow, come to bloom, look, come to seed. They are ancestors and relatives of wheat, oat, rye and other such plants used for food for thousands of years. I love grasses, I can watch them and watch them and watch them some more - it's simply pure beauty. My snappers can't really do them justice.
But then, I love all the other plants too.....
But then, I love all the other plants too.....
Gophers - killing and compassion
There are 2 small areas I am working with this year - and they each got some rodent living in the ground - some rodent that EATS ROOTS...and in the process kills the plant. Earlier this year - I could hear it sometimes in the early evening, as well as see the plant move - in this case beautiful healthy and healthy soil giving clover - now 98 % gone.
We have a rat terrier, Storm the Wonderdog, who was supposed to catch some, and he did actually, elsewhere. We do have a cat wondering about too. I considered some poisonous plant seed briefly, but then decided against that.
One of the little patches has some transplanted baby strawberry plants on it and the other day I also put some beans in the ground. So I decided to water the area really well. And it got soaked - in addition, I took the hose and watered any area that might have been missed - and then THERE IT WAS - grey wet rodent, best I can tell, a pocket gopher, coming out of the hole, getting air, trying not to drown ...slow moving and wet, it was under more splashing water - where was
I could have killed it - there is was, poor, grey, wet, cute creature - just doing what he was born to do. Without doubt a sentient being ... and there is no way I could have killed it.
Why? For one - how can I possibly kill this little furry creature? And secondly, I don't have the right to. I don't have a good reason to. Nothing I can think of would justify killing it.
If I really depended on those beans for my life - we'd have to talk - but I don't.
If I really depended on those beans to live, I might have to catch and fry it for food, but I don't.
If it was injured and suffering - it did not look like it.
If it carried some dreadful disease - I don't think so.
If the garden was totally overrun by them - but it isn't.
What constitutes real necessity to kill?
And it was cute too - and of course it got away.
...and of course, it finished off another bean plant the next day.
I figured I'll keep the area so wet that he'll move to another spot more to his liking. Not sure yet if it's working.
We have a rat terrier, Storm the Wonderdog, who was supposed to catch some, and he did actually, elsewhere. We do have a cat wondering about too. I considered some poisonous plant seed briefly, but then decided against that.
One of the little patches has some transplanted baby strawberry plants on it and the other day I also put some beans in the ground. So I decided to water the area really well. And it got soaked - in addition, I took the hose and watered any area that might have been missed - and then THERE IT WAS - grey wet rodent, best I can tell, a pocket gopher, coming out of the hole, getting air, trying not to drown ...slow moving and wet, it was under more splashing water - where was
I could have killed it - there is was, poor, grey, wet, cute creature - just doing what he was born to do. Without doubt a sentient being ... and there is no way I could have killed it.
Why? For one - how can I possibly kill this little furry creature? And secondly, I don't have the right to. I don't have a good reason to. Nothing I can think of would justify killing it.
If I really depended on those beans for my life - we'd have to talk - but I don't.
If I really depended on those beans to live, I might have to catch and fry it for food, but I don't.
If it was injured and suffering - it did not look like it.
If it carried some dreadful disease - I don't think so.
If the garden was totally overrun by them - but it isn't.
What constitutes real necessity to kill?
And it was cute too - and of course it got away.
...and of course, it finished off another bean plant the next day.
I figured I'll keep the area so wet that he'll move to another spot more to his liking. Not sure yet if it's working.
Things I see in the Garden
Looking at my other blogs, this subject qualifies as not really fitting into those, so garden stuff will go here for the time being. To start with, here's most of what's on my webpage.
Why do I have a garden section here?
Because of a connection to the earth, plants and animals. All my life, nature has played an important role. In many ways, it made it possible for me to even stay here...on the planet. So – it's important to me.
I am very aware of different approaches in working and dealing with the soil and how to grow things and, having said that, I also need to acknowledge that the time, energy and resources I can devote to gardening is definitely very limited. The soil here get's baked in the summer and it's so hot and without rainfall for so long, it makes almost every plant die without watering. This too is a severe limitation. There is however a piece of land that I am working with.
So here is the idea: create garden beauty that in time will be self sustained with a minimum amount of additional water. I say beauty and I mean that, even though this garden may never look like it could win a contest.
It is an experiment. It will take years to develop. Here are some thoughts:
- Aim for healthy soil
- Aim for plant variety
- Work with what is there
- Accept beneficial plants that are given to you for whatever reason
- Accept what help shows up, for example seeds, money for planting materials, rice hulls....
- All plants get some help getting started, this includes watering and weeding
- If a weed takes over, it needs to be limited
- If a plants needs too much care, it will not make it here
- Watch and see what grows and what does not
- Find companion plants to those that do grow here
- Use everything possible from your garden to make compost
- Make the walkways the way that naturally evolve and are useful
Maybe it's like reinventing some wheel, don't know...it is what I am doing.
Why do I have a garden section here?
Because of a connection to the earth, plants and animals. All my life, nature has played an important role. In many ways, it made it possible for me to even stay here...on the planet. So – it's important to me.
I am very aware of different approaches in working and dealing with the soil and how to grow things and, having said that, I also need to acknowledge that the time, energy and resources I can devote to gardening is definitely very limited. The soil here get's baked in the summer and it's so hot and without rainfall for so long, it makes almost every plant die without watering. This too is a severe limitation. There is however a piece of land that I am working with.
So here is the idea: create garden beauty that in time will be self sustained with a minimum amount of additional water. I say beauty and I mean that, even though this garden may never look like it could win a contest.
It is an experiment. It will take years to develop. Here are some thoughts:
- Aim for healthy soil
- Aim for plant variety
- Work with what is there
- Accept beneficial plants that are given to you for whatever reason
- Accept what help shows up, for example seeds, money for planting materials, rice hulls....
- All plants get some help getting started, this includes watering and weeding
- If a weed takes over, it needs to be limited
- If a plants needs too much care, it will not make it here
- Watch and see what grows and what does not
- Find companion plants to those that do grow here
- Use everything possible from your garden to make compost
- Make the walkways the way that naturally evolve and are useful
Maybe it's like reinventing some wheel, don't know...it is what I am doing.
Why do people blog?
Yes, why do people blog or use facebook and the like - and, more importantly, why do YOU blog?
If you are reading this - you blog - Why?
Please let others know.
As you can tell, I have recently become a blogger myself, and I have my reasons too - but I'd like to hear from you first, regardless of where you blog or what you blog about.
If you are reading this - you blog - Why?
Please let others know.
As you can tell, I have recently become a blogger myself, and I have my reasons too - but I'd like to hear from you first, regardless of where you blog or what you blog about.
Empathy, action and painting pretty pictures
If you have not had the chance to view Michi Kaku's: "A photographic essay of the British Petroleum (BP) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico" on facebook, it's worth it. I viewed this, feeling and sensing, allowing the images to tell the stories. Tears were rolling down my face...but more interestingly, for the first time in my live I wanted to be an activist, DO something, even if going there and washing the birds.
I am not saying that this oil spill was not necessary as a huge wake up call as well as grand timing for alternate energy companies to make their bid. I save judgment on the grander meaning or purpose. The planet so desperately needs the establishment of alternate and clean energy sources - as well as a consciousness of energy preservation, so painfully lacking in the USA that visitors from Europe comment on the wasteful ways we live.

The point here is: If you emphatically feel, how long can you sit at home painting pretty pictures, when you are not also active publicly, socially in the larger arena? Not saying there's anything at all wrong with painting pretty pictures (or other such related activities)...just wondering.
There's a saying: "Just say NO to apathy" gxxaxx
and there's : "Get that head out of the sand" so you can see what's happening around you.
"Wake-up" -> then "DO it" and DO IT NOW.
I am not saying that this oil spill was not necessary as a huge wake up call as well as grand timing for alternate energy companies to make their bid. I save judgment on the grander meaning or purpose. The planet so desperately needs the establishment of alternate and clean energy sources - as well as a consciousness of energy preservation, so painfully lacking in the USA that visitors from Europe comment on the wasteful ways we live.

The point here is: If you emphatically feel, how long can you sit at home painting pretty pictures, when you are not also active publicly, socially in the larger arena? Not saying there's anything at all wrong with painting pretty pictures (or other such related activities)...just wondering.
There's a saying: "Just say NO to apathy" gxxaxx
and there's : "Get that head out of the sand" so you can see what's happening around you.
"Wake-up" -> then "DO it" and DO IT NOW.
What kind of blog is this anyway?
Exactly, what kind of blog is this?
For a while now I have been wondering what to do with this blog. Admittedly, there was considerable confusion at the time of creating about google accounts, blogs and posts, and so I ended up with more than I realized. To make things worse, at the time I was not aware of things like keywords, methods of search engines and best ways to name your blog so it might be found.
It's pretty clear that "Beaconwork" has a unique focus. "Who is E.J. Gold" is a stand alone blog for some time to come. "Bardotraining" is a more complicated matter as I also have a website and everything can be used as Bardo Training.
But then I also have: Dokgoth - speaking in quotes - I like that blog a lot. And a couple of others, hidden from view atm.....geez, I could just keep writing all day if I had no other obligations...so enough already. Part of the problem is that I have too wide a focus, or, am not focused on a defined area. If developing a conscious life is a focus, then EVERYTHING, and every activity qualifies. Deep breath - so there.
So this might become the: "what comes to mind that can be considered funny, useful or contributory to growth and development of greater awareness that does not clearly fit into the other blogs I presently already have" kind of blog :)
Themes like: "Lessons learned in the garden" - or "Things I realized gardening". Or "The new energies on earth", or "Healing and realizing self", "What therapies can do for you", or "Death and taxes and other certain things in life", or "reading for the recently deceased", or "what is real help", or "why dance", or "how to learn Photoshop without a book or someone to show you anything?"....and so on...could all be blogs of their own, but I can't manage any more blogs!!!!!!!!!! Or, to own it: I don't WANT any more blogs at this time.
And then there is a question: Why do we blog at all? Why do so many people blog? Why do I blog?
For a while now I have been wondering what to do with this blog. Admittedly, there was considerable confusion at the time of creating about google accounts, blogs and posts, and so I ended up with more than I realized. To make things worse, at the time I was not aware of things like keywords, methods of search engines and best ways to name your blog so it might be found.
It's pretty clear that "Beaconwork" has a unique focus. "Who is E.J. Gold" is a stand alone blog for some time to come. "Bardotraining" is a more complicated matter as I also have a website and everything can be used as Bardo Training.
But then I also have: Dokgoth - speaking in quotes - I like that blog a lot. And a couple of others, hidden from view atm.....geez, I could just keep writing all day if I had no other obligations...so enough already. Part of the problem is that I have too wide a focus, or, am not focused on a defined area. If developing a conscious life is a focus, then EVERYTHING, and every activity qualifies. Deep breath - so there.
So this might become the: "what comes to mind that can be considered funny, useful or contributory to growth and development of greater awareness that does not clearly fit into the other blogs I presently already have" kind of blog :)
Themes like: "Lessons learned in the garden" - or "Things I realized gardening". Or "The new energies on earth", or "Healing and realizing self", "What therapies can do for you", or "Death and taxes and other certain things in life", or "reading for the recently deceased", or "what is real help", or "why dance", or "how to learn Photoshop without a book or someone to show you anything?"....and so on...could all be blogs of their own, but I can't manage any more blogs!!!!!!!!!! Or, to own it: I don't WANT any more blogs at this time.
And then there is a question: Why do we blog at all? Why do so many people blog? Why do I blog?
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